Copy <% series = [
{ name: 'Verified' , data: @verified_users} ,
{ name: 'Unverified' , data: @unverified_users}
] %>
<% options = {
legend: 'bottom' , title: 'Users Grouped By Week For The Last 1 Year' ,
ytitle: 'Users' , width: '100%' , height: '300px'
} %>
Chartkick (Chart.js) and ApexCharts
Copy < div style = "display: inline-block; width: 48%;" >
<%= area_chart(series , { ** options , adapter: 'chartjs' }) %>
</ div >
< div style = "display: inline-block; width: 48%;" >
<%= apex_area_chart(series , options) %>
</ div >
Chartkick (Google Charts) and ApexCharts
Copy < div style = "display: inline-block; width: 48%;" >
<%= area_chart(series , { ** options , adapter: 'google' }) %>
</ div >
< div style = "display: inline-block; width: 48%;" >
<%= apex_area_chart(series , options) %>
</ div >
Chartkick (Highcharts) and ApexCharts
Copy < div style = "display: inline-block; width: 48%;" >
<%= area_chart(series , { ** options , adapter: 'highcharts' }) %>
</ div >
< div style = "display: inline-block; width: 48%;" >
<%= apex_area_chart(series , options) %>
</ div >