Candlestick chart is typically used to illustrate movements in the price of a financial instrument over time. This chart is also popular by the name "ohlc chart". That's why you can call it with ohlc_chart too.
So, here's how you make it.
<%require'date'defcandlestick_data @acc =rand(6570..6650) {|i| [ i, ohlc] }.to_henddefohlc open = @acc +rand(-20..20) high = open+rand(0..100) low = open-rand(0..100) @acc = close =open+rand(-((high-low)/3)..((high-low)/2)) [open, high, low, close]end candlestick_options = {plot_options: {candlestick: {colors: {upward:'#3C90EB',downward:'#DF7D46' } } } }%>