
ApexCharts.RB supports all options from ApexCharts.JS, but instead of camelCase, you can write them in snake_case.

ApexCharts.RB also provides shortcuts to some ApexCharts.JS options, such as title. In ApexCharts.JS you would have to write

title: { text: "Some title" }

In ApexCharts.RB you can write

title: "Some title"

if you just want to add the text.

xtitle and ytitle are even greater shortcuts. Instead of

xaxis: { title: { text: "x title" } }

you can write

xtitle: "x title"
options = {
  animations: false, # Shortcut for chart: { animations: { enabled: false } }
  chart: {
    fontFamily: "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
    toolbar: {
      show: false
  curve: "straight", # Shortcut for stroke: { curve: "straight" }
  markers: {
    size: 5,
  tooltip: false, # Shortcut for tooltip: { enabled: false }
  xtitle: "Boars per capita"

These options can be passed to any chart helper like <%= line_chart(series, options) %>.

Last updated